Web Projects Consulting

RP Newsticker Plugin for WordPress

The plugin creates a widget to display a nice horizontal newsticker which can be placed in a sidebar.

Tested in WordPress 3.0 only, expected to be compatible from 2.6+.

Demo in action: //chernivtsi.ws (in Ukrainian).

Page at wordpress.org


Show latest posts titles in a scrolling newsticker

  1. A number of latest post can be tuned in settings
  2. Categories can be defined with a standard syntax, see Installation for details
  3. Choose date format for category posts
  4. Tune css from settings
  5. Insert php tag into theme template files
  6. Ukrainian and Russian localization

Alternatively show show your own content in a scrolling newsticker

  1. Unlimited number of explicitly given elements to scroll
  2. Mix your explicitly given content with posts
  3. Choose what to show: posts, explicit content, both in order or randomized


liScroll, Copyright 2007-2010 Gian Carlo Mingati
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

RP News Ticker, Copyright 2007-2010 Alexander Missa
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


  1. Upload the folder rp-news-ticker with its contents to wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Proceed to widgets section and add the widget to a sidebar.
  4. Optionally:
    • Create your language file from rp-news-ticker.pot
  5. Category IDs syntax:
    • Leave empty for all posts in all categories
    • “5,7” – include only posts in categories with ids 5 and 7 (no quotes please)
    • “-5,-7” – include posts in all categories but exclude posts of categories with ids 5 and 7

Upgrade Notice

0.5 to 0.7

Your previous version widget will be unusable, however, the plugin will attempt to preserve the previous setup. Backup your current settings from the wigdet to a text file, than navigate to “Settings->RP New Ticker” for the new setup.

(One version is skipped because of some incompatibilities)

0.2 to 0.3, 0.3 to 0.4, 0.4 to 0.5

The version is fully compatible with the previous release.

0.1 to 0.2

Please completely uninstall the previous version removing all files.


Widget 0.1

Widget 0.1

In action

In action

Widget 0.2

Widget 0.2

Widget 0.3

Widget 0.3

Widget 0.4

Widget 0.4

RP News Ticker 0.7

RP News Ticker 0.7

RP News Ticker 0.7

RP News Ticker 0.7

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Will this plugin work with versions of WordPress earlier than 3.0?

Answer: The plugin has only been tested with version 3.0 and above. Please report any bugs via /.

Question: What is the “RP” in plugin’s name?

Answer: It stands for /, just the way to distinguish our plugins from zillions of others.

Question: When is the newer version out?

Answer: The best way to stimulate it is to send a donation from the developer’s site. Or just visit a developer’s site.



  • Moved settings from widget to options
  • Added shortcode support
  • Added theme tag support
  • Added Russian localization.


  • Removed the bug that disallowed including/excluding categories that contain 0.


  • Allow arbitrary data to be mixed with posts data.


  • Allow arbitrary data instead of posts.
  • Reset options to default.


  • Restructured file names to a more logical pattern.
  • Tuning css from the widget window.


  • Initial version, core functionality, least features


  • [download id=”8″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”6″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”4″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”3″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”2″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”1″ format=”1″]
The version is compatible with the previous release.

52 thoughts on “RP Newsticker Plugin for WordPress

  1. ice3studios

    No answers? I to would love to use this if I didn’t have to use it as a widget. is there a way to get php code to embed in file instead?

  2. moreno

    Nice one! How can I have it scrolling through the whole width of the page? on my site(www.mgft-c.nl) it only scrolls in the left column (widget area 1)..? (silly question? )

  3. Andre Monserrat

    I upgraded to version 0.7 and now the newsticker does not scroll or animate in any way. It simply displays all of the items in an unstyled, unordered vertical list.

  4. tim

    Hi, love the plugin, but an update today broke it.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/../../../plugins/rp-news-ticker/rp-news-ticker-loader.php on line 92

    1. Alec

      Please read a post just before your one, all is quite easy to fix.
      Please read release notes and updates notice first on how to fix.

  5. Piet

    Your plugin demo shows a realy smooth movement. But I cannot activate it (in test site); it is a new install, not an upgrade. I get the same fatal error as Tim:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/…/…/…/…/wp-content/plugins/rp-news-ticker/rp-news-ticker-loader.php on line 92

    Should be nice if you could point me to a soution.


  6. Sylwia

    The same problem here:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/pslnewsy/ftp/wp-content/plugins/rp-news-ticker/rp-news-ticker-loader.php on line 92

    I’m running PHP version 5.2.17

  7. Alec

    As I have just discovered, the plugin will not work correctly with php less than 5.3. The next plugin release will be php 5+ compatible.

  8. Joe Jenkins

    This is a great plugin, it does just what it needs to do.

    I’ve noticed that when it reaches the end of the news items, it just stops showing them. Is it possible to have the news items automatically repeat as soon as the last one is shown, so it is non-stop, with no gaps?

    1. Alec

      I think with css… edit the rule in css section something like

      ul.newsticker span {
      display: none;

      Hope this helps… use creative approach otherwise 🙂

  9. Mike

    Has anyone been able to solve the error message when you try to enable the plugin?
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/strike/public_html/test/wp-content/plugins/rp-news-ticker/rp-news-ticker-loader.php on line 92
    I do not have the ability to upgrade my PHP version.

  10. Steven Matthews

    Hi – Thanks for the great work!

    I have implemented this OK but would like some custom changes, do you do customisation?

    I want it to read from a post category and then display the post title (in red) and then display each line in the post in white?

      1. Steven Matthews

        Thanks Alec,

        Sorry if this is a silly question, how do I get it to display from inside a post?

        I am trying to get the list here to have a coloured title (no problem) but then scroll the as well.

  11. Steven Matthews

    Hi Sorry my reply didn’t display properly.

    I want to have a post (category x) the post is hidden but contains the data for the news ticker i.e.

    Post title – Friday 20th April
    Post Content –
    LI – LIVE Cricket DLF League, 11:00 – (FREEVIEW ITV 4)/LI
    LI – Cycling Tour de Turkey, 13:00 – (EUROSPORT)/LI
    LI – China Snooker Open Final, Steven Maguire V Peter Ebdon, 17:30 – (EUROSPORT)
    LI – LIVE BOXING – Timme Simmonds V Dayle Style, 20:00 (EUROSPORT)/LI
    LI – WWE Wrestle Mania Tournament, 21:00 – (BTV COMEDY)/LI

    I want news ticker to pick up the title as a span (no problem) but then also pick up the UL in the post itself and display the data from there so that a user can easily set a post for today’s fixtures.

  12. Sakthidasan


    Thanks for this great plugin.

    I have a small issue. It is not scrolling the posts, instead it shows as list. Could you please let me know how can i resolve this issue?


      1. Sakthidasan


        Thanks for your information.

        As per your information, I reset to default settings but still it looks same. I have enabled the plugin and left for you to have a look. Please check the issue on my site, [cut]


        1. Alec

          Looks like some CSS rules override your newsticker settings, please check your theme css.

          Please do not post links in the comments.

  13. Mike

    Hi Alec, I see that this issue might have been addressed already, but I’m not clear on the resolution. When I try to activate the plugin it gives me an error that says “plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /hermes/bosweb/web226/b2263/ipg.persatellitecom/wp-content/plugins/rp-news-ticker/rp-news-ticker-loader.php on line 92

    Can you please assist?

  14. Vali Popa

    it works fine on index page, but
    1. how do i make it to be visible on all pages of my site?
    2. how do i decrease the height size of the area that the scroll text occupies?


  15. Virgil

    Hello, can you tell me exact the place where the code have to be inserted in functions.php and index or home.php , I need the exact line of my templete code and the exact rs newsticker code to be placed. I didn’t understand from your presentation the exact line of code where to be placed rs newsticker code. I am not very familiar with these code but I am willing to learn.

    Pls give me example for placing in functions.php as well on home or index.pho. I want to place this code at the top of the site not on sidebars. If I want to place at the top of the site should I add this code either in functions.php and index.php ? Or just in one of them.

    Is there any ways to place this code at the top of the top site, I mean if you look on my site : //www.bestnews.ro I want to consider placing this code above the logo line and also condider placing bellow my categories. Pls give me concise examples with the exact code to be placed in the exact lines of my template code .



  16. Danielle

    This would be awesome but for some reason my ticker is showing as an bulleted list and not scrolling. Can you tell me what I have wrong? Thank you!

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