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Free Plugin Utility for WordPress: RP Recreate Slugs

Recreate articles and pages slugs with the most current ruleset. Useful when slug generation is changed or updated, especially with transliteration. Global slugs recovery. Saves sites. Use with care.

Tested in WordPress 3.1+ only.
Demo in action: not applicable.
RP Recreate Slugs Page at WordPress.org


Recreate articles and pages slugs (permalinks) with the most current ruleset. Useful when slug generation is changed or updated, especially with transliteration. Global slugs recovery. Saves sites. Use with care.

You might need to recreate slugs after modifying the way the slugs generated and/or transliterated and you are getting infinite redirections and/or 404 errors.


Recreate articles and pages slugs

1. Useful when slug generation is changed or updated, especially with transliteration.
2. Global slugs recovery.
2. Requires administrator access.


1. Make backup of your database. Make even one more backup.
2. Upload the folder rp-recreate-slugs with its contents to wp-content/plugins/
3. Activate the plugin.

Upgrade Notice


* Initial release.


Location in menu

1. Location in menu

Plugin Interface

2. Interface



* 2011-04-07 – Bugfix release.


* 2011-03-16 – Initial release.


  • [download id=”5″ format=”1″]
  • [download id=”7″ format=”1″]

3 thoughts on “Free Plugin Utility for WordPress: RP Recreate Slugs

  1. maurice

    Plug in works however in using wp 3.1 getting error when updating slugs:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/mydomain/wp-admin/admin-header.php:35) in /home/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/rp-recreate-slugs/functions.php on line 64

  2. Cristi

    If the option for the plugin doesn’t appear inside wp-admin, access this url “wp-admin/edit.php?page=rp_rec_slugs”.

    I think it’s a matter of web hosting it the link doesn’t appear.

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