Web Projects Consulting

New Skype 4.3 Problems After Update on Fedora 20

The Microsoft © skype continues to bring beautiful crashes after update to the newest version, and here is the only way to overcome them under Fedora 20.

If you see something like that when running skype from console

Aborted (core dumped)


Check the beast’s version:

$ skype -v
© 2014 Skype and/or Microsoft

If it is like that, the only way to overcome it is backing up the .Skype use dir, at least I could not find other workout for the problem.

$ cd ~
$ mv .Skype .Skype.back

Restart skype from its default launcher and it should work ok now, enjoy funny screen positioning bugs after you hide/show skype from tray icons.

One thought on “New Skype 4.3 Problems After Update on Fedora 20

  1. Ruben

    [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as “pending” because: Human SPAM filter found “!!!” in “comment_content”. *]
    Such a simple fix!!! Thank you so much, incredible!!!

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