Web Projects Consulting

Explaining Our Skillset

SKILLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: PHP 7, PHP OOP, PEAR, PECL, PHP SPL ● MVC, MVVM, MVP, Design Patterns, GoF ● XML, SOAP, JSON, XML-RPC, Web 2.0 ● Phalcon, Zend Framework ● Laravel  Doctrine 1 and 2, Propel  AND MORE

  • Expertise in delivering web projects to clients
  • Applications system and database design, project architecture, writing specifications
  • Team leading and management, projects planning, evaluation and estimation
  • Consulting, presentations
  • Agile, scrum, kanban, waterfall
  • Effective team player, insane about terms of project deadlines
  • MVC, MV*, Design Patterns
  • Front-end, ReactJs, Vue.js, nodejs, npm, gulp, grunt, less, others
  • JavaScript (ES6, JSX), jQuery, responsive design, Bootstrap, SemanticUI
  • Flux, Redux, reactive programming
  • Unit testing: mocha, jest, enzyme
  • HTML 5, CSS 3, markups, XML, SOAP, JSON, XML-RPC
  • PHP Frameworks, Laravel, Phalcon, Zend, CakePHP, Yii, ORM, Doctrine, Propel
  • MySQL / MariaDB, sphinx, database design, triggers, stored procedures, views, query optimization
  • MySQL replication installation and administration, Percona backup and utilities
  • Linux dedicated server basic administration, Monit, Puppet, Let’s Encrypt
  • Opcode optimization, caching, benchmarking, profiling, varnish, memcached, redis
  • Code refactoring, unit testing: karma, selenium, protractor, PHPUnit
  • Web scraping, spidering, regular expressions, curl, phantomjs, selenium
  • APIs: Facebook, Google, Google Maps, Openlayers, Yahoo, Ebay, Twitter, Amazon, GoDaddy
  • Version control systems, git, gitlab, gitflow, JIRA, Confluence, trac, Bugzilla, Assembla, Bitbucket, Redmine
  • Continuous integration, Jenkins, phing
  • CMS, WordPress, Ghost
  • Browser-based interfaces, n-tier architecture, SOA, SaaS